VENUS Magazine Asked Why I'm Voting for Obama

I typed up this 'Why I'm Voting for Barack Obama' story when I was asked by one of my favorite independent magazines, VENUS, for my opinion on the matter. I'm not sure if they'll print it, but it felt good to write it out. I can talk about politics these days until I'm blue in the face and I can empathize with why many people try and avoid it all together. However, I just don't think that's a good idea any, more than ever before I feel a certain responsibility to exercise my freedom of speech. I think of my nieces and nephews and their future and I feel that it is my duty to openly and confidently express my political feelings. So, if you're interested you can read what I wrote, if you're not, you can stop here. Or, maybe you'll even write something too and share it with others if you can.
Our freedom of speech is a truly wonderful gift. But you better cash it in while you still can.
And my 2cents to VENUS...
I am whole heartedly voting for Mr. Barack Obama.
I was lucky enough to hear him speak live in Portland. I tell you- it felt like I was experiencing a beautiful page in history unfolding right before my eyes. So sincere, poignant, and hopeful. I looked around and saw true American pride represented in all it's diversity, teary eyed, feeling strong and optimistic for a new beginning and a bright future.
I am truly concerned about our place in this world as Americans. I happened to be back packing throughout Europe at the time the US entered the war with Iraq, and let's just say I was so tired of being questioned and nagged by strangers regarding a war that I didn't support, that I eventually sewed Canadian patches on my pack to no longer be associated with it.
It is an absolute shame that we call ourselves the richest nation in the world yet we can't even provide our citizens with free health care, an affordable education or proper aid to those returning from war.
It is ignorant and embarrassing that the leaders of our nation are not embracing the gift of technology and inventiveness that science has offered us concerning our environmental issues. We have the greatest chance at our finger tips right now; to be the model generation that foresaw the truths of an ill planet and made the responsible choices to save and preserve that which we are blessed to still have.
I believe that Obama and congress will provide many new "green" jobs to a failing economy, while encouraging a decrease in out-sourcing and a renewed pride in the 'locally made'. With these new jobs we will help to set our future graduates on a path of career security and moral fulfillment.
Now more than ever before is the time for us to stop being passive Americans and stand up and speak out loud exercising the freedom that so many others in this world wish they had. If we don't, money driven lobbyist and selfish corporate leaders will continue to be our voices.
The good news is, we the people are the massive majority and as long as we organize we truly possess the power for change.
Shortly following this I received an email from VENUS Magazine....
Hi Teresa,
How are you?
Thank you so much for taking's voting survey. We are interested in publishing one of your quotes in our fall issue, which will be released in September with Kid Sister on the cover. If you are OK with this, can you confirm that your name is spelled Teresa Pilar Huarte? What city do you live in? Also, this is the quote we'd like to run:
"The good news is we the people are the massive majority, and as long as we organize, we truly possess the power for change."
Amy Schroeder
Editor & Founder
Venus Zine
[email protected]
2000 N. Racine, suite 3400
Chicago, IL 60614
phone: 773.327.9790
fax: 773.296.6103